Braking, Steering and Throttle inputs through a corner
The following diagram, Fig. 2, describes the same corner as above. This time, however, only the braking, throttle and steering inputs are discussed.
Understeer / Slip Angle
Trail Braking
Trail Braking (or trailing brake) is a technique where the brakes are applied through the turn-in point of a corner. It is an effective method for keeping a car that tends to push under control. Trail braking loads the front wheels causing them to bite. It may also allow a driver to brake later into a corner but be careful. Some corners and cars react badly to trail braking. See the figure below.
- Part 1: Race Track Safety
- Part 2: Racing Line
- Part 3: Basic Car Control: Braking, Steering, Throttle Input
- Part 4: Heel Toe Downshifting, Double Clutch
- Part 5: Race Track Flags