Track is live. Passing is allowed in passing zones.

There is an incident near. Use caution and slow down. Do not pass.
Waving YellowThere is an incident on the race track. Use extreme caution. Do not pass.

Session over. Do not pass. Finish your cool down lap and proceed to pit.

Sometimes referred to as debris flag. The racing surface has changed. There is dirt, oil, water, debris on the track surface. Passing is allowed.

Driver infraction. Complete the lap and report to the black flag station in the hot pit for instructions.

Sometimes referred to as the meatball. Indicates a problem with the car. Complete the lap and report to the pit. Proceed with caution.

Stop. There is an emergency on the track. Pull to a safe stop off of the racing line.

Check mirrors. There is a faster car approaching. In Time Trials and Open Track this is a command flag. Let the overtaking car pass.